
Annual Reports

Since its establishment, DHB Bank has experienced strong growth, reaching an asset size of EUR 1.8 billion. The balance sheet of the bank also reflects the effects of restructuring strategies that were implemented over the past years in terms of geographical coverage – with a focus on Europe – via different product segments, including the financing of green energy.
DHB Bank's activities are anchored in traditional commercial banking, based primarily on retail funding (and wholesale funding to a certain extent) and mainly wholesale asset generation (with a relatively small portion of retail loans). DHB Bank's business model and revenue stream fully rely on real banking transactions, and there is no reliance on any kind of speculative income. Therefore, the bank tries to minimize the market risk by avoiding  FX or interest rate positions, while derivative transactions are solely conducted for hedging purposes.
DHB Bank's retail operations consist of retail deposits and retail loans. Retail deposits are collected from Germany and the Netherlands via the Internet and call centre channels. Retail deposits, which have already proved their stickiness in several globally or regionally stressed environments, constitute the main pillar of the bank's funding and liabilities management. Retail loans occupy a relatively small portion of the assets.
On the assets side, wholesale banking is the foremost revenue generation source for DHB Bank. The bank's wholesale asset generation activities are centralized at the head office in Rotterdam. Wholesale asset generation activities comprise primarily placements in the form of project and transaction finance, corporate loans, syndications, and to a lesser extent, bilateral loans to banks. Securities investments are done mostly for liquidity management purposes.. Geographical diversity is an essential feature of DHB Bank's activities on the asset side, with exposures being primarily to different countries in Europe.
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